Comes The Brief

Design a reusable lanyard and a unique VIP card for CDG Zig, a sponsor of the event.

CDG Taxi
Visual Designer
Graphic Designer
1 Weeks


The goal of this project was to design a lanyard and a VIP card for CDG Zig, a sponsor of the 2023 Singapore Festival of Football. The lanyard needed to be reusable for staff after the event, necessitating a shift to a more generic design.

Concurrently, the VIP card required a unique and innovative approach, ultimately taking the shape of a car to align with CDG Zig's branding, while ensuring structural integrity and readability.

Creative Process


The initial lanyard design concept was vibrant and event-specific, which was approved by the stakeholders.

However, the brief evolved to require a lanyard that could be reused by staff after the event.

To meet the new requirements, I shifted the design direction to a more generic and timeless look. I incorporated repeated font patterns of the year CDG Zig was founded, adding a subtle yet meaningful touch.

The final lanyard design with repeated font patterns for a timeless, reusable look.

Creative Process

VIP Card

The first few proposals for the VIP card followed a conventional rectangular format. However, the stakeholders challenged me to create a card shaped like a car, aligning with CDG Zig's branding.

Designing a car-shaped card presented unique challenges, particularly ensuring it balanced well when attached to the lanyard and maintaining readability within the car's contours.

Design Challenges

Structural Balance: The card had to remain structurally sound when hung from the lanyard.

Readability: Ensuring that all necessary information fit within the car shape while remaining legible.

The End