First Aid
Info Kit

This was a self-initiated collaboration with the Singapore Red Cross disaster relief team, during my final year research thesis on role of Graphic Design in disaster. My intention was to identify actual needs that Graphic Design can play a role in.

Singapore Red Cross


Where Can Design Play A Role?

Primary and Secondary research was conducted.

For primary research, a survey was sent out to the 10 people involved in disaster relief operation.

An interview was conducted with a user. The insights was that there was problem identifying items in the first aid bag.

The secondary research insights was too broad and wasn't able to zoom in on actual problems users faced on ground. The primary research serve to inform the direction of my research.


My User Needs


1. creating a system

From the qualitative research, I learned that is difficult to locate items in the bag as there is no indication of the items location.

It can be a problem if it is for new users.

To tackle this, I have 2 methods.

Firstly is to create a system that map location of the items, next, the location of the items hasto be fixed in a system.

Througha system, then a visual mapping of the map can then be introduced that has visual affordance.

2.  Iteration

The design of the info-kit went through was iterated and tested with the user.

During the testing phase, the labelling was changed to alphabets as user feedback that numbers is un-familar to them in labeling.

The simplified version of the bag mapping offers less clutter but its simplicity made it less relatable to the actual bag. Which became a problem to making it of high affordance to the user.

3. Solution

After the iteration, a visual mapping of the bag that is not too abstract is used and a main secondary color is used on the inside of the info kit to create differentiation between inside and outside of the kit.